Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier.
Adding Truffle to your project
You'll need Node.js v8+ installed before we get started. And you can choose a preferred package management tool to begin with:
# To use truffle locally in your project, you must init a package.json file
$ npm init
# Install truffle and wallet-provider to your project
$ npm i -D truffle @truffle/hdwallet-provider
# Generate truffle configuation file and default folders
$ npm exec -- truffle init
# To use truffle locally in your project, you must init a package.json file
$ yarn init
# Install truffle and wallet-provider to your project
$ yarn add --dev truffle @truffle/hdwallet-provider
# Generate truffle configuation file and default folders
$ yarn truffle init
You can install global Truffle to your environment:
$ npm i -g truffle
Then, you can ignore npm exec -- or yarn commands before truffle
Setup Truffle config file
We are going to edit truffle-config.js. First, we uncomment this line to import @truffle/hdwallet-provider: